Tips and suggestions for your stay in the region can be found here:
From the Vogesenkammstrasse you have in the truest sense of the word certainly the best overview of the mountains, up to its German neighbor the Black Forest in the east and the snow-covered peaks of the Alps in the south.
Extensive walks and hikes through near-natural oak and fir forests, past clear mountain lakes and moorland landscapes, let the souls of the people breathe just as much in summer as in winter. The cross-country skiing tour is perfectly prepared. The cross-country ski runs or the snowshoe hike through glittering, freshly snow-covered landscapes is also a wonderful experience.
Magnificent sunrises and sunsets tempt you to linger in the ridge areas in a wild and romantic way. The Vosges are particularly well known among paragliders. A large number of flight schools will introduce their guests to the secrets of the kings of the skies.
In the gentle foothills down to the Rhine Graben, you can watch the noble wines of the region maturing. The cozy mountain farms, so-called Marcaires, offer tempting specialties such as Münsterkäse or Bibalaskas for the long-awaited refreshment after a long day in the fresh air.